Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Re enlistment Ceremony and.....

He surprised her with the renewal of their wedding vows. It was such a beautiful day for the ceremony. And Jennifer was so shocked when she found out. It made for some great pictures. When the wedding ceremony was coming to a close we all heard a blowing noise and looked out to the water to see whales spouting water. It was amazing. Thanks Jenn and Mike for letting me capture such a special moment in your lives.

They both got awards that day for their outstanding performance for the military.

Getting ready to sign on again for another 3 years. after that it's retirement!!

We had such a blast that day taking pictures.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Seasons greetings......

We did these pics for her to send out for the holidays!!! and the ones before I was just having her be my model... Thanks again hun!!

Micah was super fun to take pics of. she was so willing to do any of my crazy poses or ideas. which they are flowing like crazy when im in that creative mode. Thanks micah for letting me get such great pics.

The Eddington Family

two hearts made one.....
family fun
all baby
It started with us.....
she was going in for A c-sesection so i decided to make the little bundle of joy a present
Great family
Their daughter cindi was just so shy and quiet but once the camers started clicken she was on it...

They were so willing to do all my crazy poses and so patient. Thanks so much for letting me photograph such a great time in your life.

Little baby girl Camryn....

Camryn was such a great and easy baby to take pictures of, hooray for no accidents.....
Gotta love the little piggys....
sweet sweet baby
bundle of flowers
